
I can help you with the following services:

Technical writing

With more than 20 years of experience, I have written content for Web articles, white papers, help systems, blogs, and books. My focus has been in computer software, and my audience is usually the systems administrator and technical consultant-level IT professional. I can write for almost any area of focus, provided I have access to subject matter experts for content interviews.

Programmer writing

Over the past two years I have been documenting application programming interfaces (APIs) for an Internet registry. I am comfortable working with XML, HTML, XHTML, Javascript, and JQuery. I can read and modify most programming languages in use today. Please understand that this does not mean that I am the right person to hire to write a program from scratch, but if you want to add some advanced functionality into your website or if code samples are something that will be included in your writing project, I can certainly help you.


I have many years of experience building and maintaining websites for myself and others. These sites vary from hand-coded sites using a framework such as Foundation or Bootstrap, to sites created with MadCap Flare with embedded search capability. Most recently I have been combining Foundation and WordPress for a content management system that is fully responsive.

Digital photography

Photography is one of my favorite pastimes. I enjoy wildlife and landscape photography and occasionally dabble in macro photography. I frequently work with my own images or those provided by others to create unique banners or other images for websites. I am comfortable with Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom.

Audio production

I have taken to producing audio podcasts, most notably the Exploring Washington State podcast hosted by Scott Cowan. I am planning to tinker with more video and audio episodes for myself in the near future.


To provide these services, I use the following tools:

  • MadCap Flare
    Single-source authoring with multi-channel output. I am a Certified MadCap Advanced Developer.
  • Visual Studio Code
    My tool of choice for hand-coding websites and working with raw HTML and XML.
  • Git
    Most source control scenarios I work in today use Git locally or GitHub.
  • Reaper
    My digital audio workstation of choice.
  • Adobe Photoshop
    I use Photoshop for creating and editing photos and other graphics
  • WordPress
    I have built, authored, and managed many WordPress sites over the years.
  • Other tools as required
    I’m a quick study, and I’ve used a lot of tools in my career. Need something that isn’t listed here? Let’s talk about it.